Greece Digital Nomad Visa

Greece digital nomad visa

Greece digital nomad visa

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the concept of working remotely has transitioned from a novel idea to a mainstream reality. Many people want to learn more about the Greece digital nomad visa. For digital nomads—individuals who leverage technology to work from anywhere—the search for idyllic locations that blend work and leisure is never-ending. One such enticing destination is Greece, which has recently introduced a digital nomad visa aimed at attracting remote workers. This article delves into the Greece digital nomad visa, exploring its eligibility criteria, application process, and the pros and cons associated with living and working in this Mediterranean paradise.

What is the Greece Digital Nomad Visa?


The Greece digital nomad visa is a special type of visa designed for remote workers who wish to live in Greece while maintaining their employment or business activities in another country. This initiative is part of Greece’s broader strategy to boost its economy by attracting foreign professionals who can contribute to local economies without taking up local jobs. By offering this visa, Greece aims to capitalize on its rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and pleasant climate to draw in a global workforce.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Greece digital nomad visa, applicants must meet specific criteria. These requirements ensure that only genuine remote workers who can support themselves financially are granted entry. The primary eligibility criteria include:

  1. Employment Status: Applicants must be employed by a company outside of Greece or operate their own business remotely. Freelancers and independent contractors are also eligible, provided they have contracts with companies or clients based outside of Greece.
  2. Proof of Employment or Business: Applicants must provide evidence of their employment or business activities. This can include employment contracts, business registration documents, or client contracts.
  3. Minimum Income Requirement: To ensure that digital nomads can support themselves without relying on local resources, applicants must demonstrate a stable income. As of the latest guidelines, the minimum monthly income requirement is set at €3,500. This amount increases by 20% for a spouse and an additional 15% for each child.
  4. Health Insurance: Applicants must have valid health insurance coverage that is applicable in Greece. This insurance should cover medical expenses and repatriation in case of emergencies.
  5. No Criminal Record: Applicants must provide a clean criminal record certificate from their home country or the country where they have resided for the last five years.
  6. Accommodation: Proof of accommodation in Greece is required. This can be in the form of a rental agreement or a property ownership document.

How to Apply for the Greece Digital Nomad Visa

Applying for the Greece digital nomad visa involves several steps, each requiring careful preparation and documentation. Here is a step-by-step guide to navigating the application process:

  1. Gather Required Documents: Before starting the application, ensure you have all necessary documents, including:
    • A valid passport
    • Proof of employment or business activities
    • Bank statements or pay slips to demonstrate income
    • Health insurance policy
    • Clean criminal record certificate
    • Proof of accommodation in Greece
  2. Complete the Application Form: The application form for the Greece digital nomad visa can typically be found on the official website of the Greek consulate or embassy in your home country. Fill out the form accurately, providing all requested information. If you are already in Greece, you may apply for the digital nomad visa at the one-stop service of the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum
  3. Submit the Application: Submit your completed application form along with the required documents to the nearest Greek consulate or embassy. Some embassies might require an appointment, so it’s advisable to check in advance.
  4. Pay the Application Fee: There is an application fee for the Greece digital nomad visa, which may vary depending on your nationality and specific circumstances. Ensure you pay this fee, as your application will not be processed without it.
  5. Attend an Interview (if required): In some cases, the Greek authorities might require an interview to further assess your application. This interview could be conducted in person at the embassy or consulate, or via video conference.
  6. Wait for Approval: After submitting your application, the processing time can vary. It typically takes a few weeks to a couple of months. During this period, the authorities will review your application and verify the provided information.
  7. Receive Your Visa: If your application is approved, you will receive your Greece digital nomad visa. This visa typically allows you to stay in Greece for up to one year, with the possibility of renewal.

Pros of the Greece Digital Nomad Visa

The Greece digital nomad visa offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive option for remote workers. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Beautiful Landscapes and Climate: Greece is renowned for its stunning landscapes, including picturesque islands, pristine beaches, and charming villages. The Mediterranean climate ensures mild winters and warm summers, making it an ideal location for outdoor activities year-round.
  2. Rich Cultural Heritage: Greece boasts a rich cultural and historical heritage, with numerous ancient ruins, museums, and cultural events. Digital nomads can immerse themselves in Greek history and culture, enhancing their overall experience.
  3. Cost of Living: Compared to many Western European countries, Greece offers a relatively affordable cost of living. Accommodation, food, and entertainment are reasonably priced, allowing digital nomads to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle without breaking the bank.
  4. Work-Life Balance: Greece’s relaxed pace of life and emphasis on leisure and social activities contribute to an excellent work-life balance. Digital nomads can enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle while still being productive.
  5. Community and Networking Opportunities: Greece has a growing community of digital nomads and expatriates. There are numerous co-working spaces, networking events, and social gatherings that provide opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.
  6. Travel Opportunities: Greece’s strategic location in Southern Europe makes it a convenient base for exploring other parts of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Digital nomads can take advantage of affordable travel options to visit nearby countries.

Cons of the Greece Digital Nomad Visa

While the Greece digital nomad visa offers many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

  1. Bureaucracy and Red Tape: The application process for the Greece digital nomad visa can be time-consuming and involves navigating through various bureaucratic procedures. This can be frustrating for those unfamiliar with the local system.
  2. Language Barrier: Although English is widely spoken in tourist areas, the primary language in Greece is Greek. Digital nomads may encounter language barriers, especially when dealing with official documents or interacting with locals in non-tourist areas.
  3. Economic Instability: Greece has faced economic challenges in recent years, and while the situation has improved, there is still some level of economic uncertainty. This could impact the cost of living and availability of services.
  4. Internet Connectivity: While major cities and tourist areas generally have reliable internet connectivity, remote or rural areas might experience slower internet speeds. Digital nomads who rely heavily on high-speed internet for their work should consider this factor.
  5. Healthcare System: Although Greece has a public healthcare system, it may not be on par with the standards some expatriates are used to in their home countries. Private health insurance is recommended to ensure access to high-quality medical care.
  6. Visa Renewal Process: The Greece digital nomad visa is initially granted for one year, with the possibility of renewal. However, the renewal process can be complex and requires careful attention to meet all requirements.

Living as a Digital Nomad in Greece

Living in Greece as a digital nomad offers a unique blend of work and leisure opportunities. Here are some insights into what daily life might look like:


Digital nomads have a variety of accommodation options, from short-term rentals in bustling cities like Athens and Thessaloniki to long-term stays in quieter, picturesque locations such as Crete or Santorini. Websites like Airbnb,, and local real estate agencies can help in finding suitable housing.

Co-working Spaces

Greece has a growing number of co-working spaces catering to the needs of remote workers. These spaces offer high-speed internet, comfortable workstations, and opportunities for networking. Notable co-working spaces include Impact Hub in Athens, Stone Soup in Athens, and Workhub in Thessaloniki.

Social and Leisure Activities

Greece offers an array of social and leisure activities to enhance the digital nomad experience. From exploring ancient ruins like the Acropolis in Athens to sailing around the Greek islands, there is no shortage of activities to enjoy during downtime. Additionally, Greece is known for its vibrant nightlife, with numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants to explore.


Greece has a well-developed transportation system, including buses, trains, and ferries. Major cities have reliable public transportation networks, while rental cars and scooters are popular for exploring more remote areas. Domestic flights are also available for quick travel between islands and the mainland.

The Greece digital nomad visa presents an exciting opportunity for remote workers seeking a blend of professional productivity and lifestyle enrichment. With its favorable climate, rich cultural heritage, affordable living costs, and vibrant community of digital nomads, Greece is an attractive destination for those looking to balance work and leisure. However, potential applicants should carefully consider the eligibility requirements, application process, and potential challenges associated with living in Greece. By doing so, digital nomads can make an informed decision and potentially embark on a rewarding adventure in one of the world’s most beautiful countries.

In summary, the Greece digital nomad visa is a gateway to experiencing the best of what Greece has to offer while maintaining a flexible and fulfilling work-life balance. Whether you’re drawn by the allure of ancient history, the charm of coastal villages, or the prospect of new professional networks, Greece welcomes digital nomads with open arms.

Renewing the Greece digital nomad visa after the initial one-year period requires meeting specific criteria to demonstrate ongoing eligibility and compliance with Greek immigration regulations. Here are the key requirements and steps involved in the renewal process:

Requirements for Renewing the Greece Digital Nomad Visa


  1. Continued Proof of Employment or Business Activities:
    • You must continue to show that you are employed by a company outside of Greece or are operating your own business remotely. This includes providing updated employment contracts, business registration documents, or client contracts.
  2. Minimum Income Requirement:
    • You need to demonstrate that you still meet the minimum monthly income requirement. As of the latest guidelines, this is €3,500 per month, with an additional 20% for a spouse and 15% for each child.
  3. Health Insurance:
    • You must maintain valid health insurance that covers medical expenses and repatriation in case of emergencies. This insurance should remain applicable in Greece throughout the extended period of stay.
  4. No Criminal Record:
    • You need to provide an updated clean criminal record certificate from your home country or the country where you have resided for the last five years.
  5. Proof of Accommodation:
    • Provide evidence of continued accommodation in Greece, such as a renewed rental agreement or proof of property ownership.
  6. Tax Compliance:
    • You may be required to show proof of tax compliance, which can include tax returns or statements showing that you have met your tax obligations in Greece, if applicable.

Steps to Renew the Greece Digital Nomad Visa


  1. Prepare the Required Documents:
    • Gather all necessary documentation, including updated proof of employment or business activities, bank statements or pay slips, health insurance policy, clean criminal record certificate, and proof of accommodation.
  2. Complete the Renewal Application Form:
    • Obtain the renewal application form from the Greek immigration authorities or the official website. Fill it out accurately with the required information.
  3. Submit the Application:
    • Submit the completed renewal application form along with the necessary documents to the relevant Greek immigration office or consulate. Ensure that all documents are up-to-date and accurately reflect your current situation.
  4. Pay the Renewal Fee:
    • There is a fee associated with renewing the Greece digital nomad visa. The exact amount may vary, so check the current fee schedule and make the payment as required.
  5. Attend an Interview (if required):
    • Similar to the initial application, you might be required to attend an interview as part of the renewal process. This could be conducted in person or via video conference, depending on the authorities’ requirements.
  6. Wait for Approval:
    • After submitting your renewal application, there is a processing period during which the authorities will review your documentation and verify the information. This process can take several weeks.
  7. Receive the Renewed Visa:
    • If your renewal application is approved, you will receive an extension of your Greece digital nomad visa, allowing you to continue living and working in Greece for another designated period, typically one year.

Tips for a Successful Renewal

  • Stay Organized: Keep all your documents well-organized and updated throughout the year to ensure a smooth renewal process.
  • Monitor Deadlines: Start the renewal process well before your current visa expires to avoid any legal issues or interruptions in your stay.
  • Stay Compliant: Adhere to Greek laws and regulations, including tax obligations and local residency requirements, to demonstrate your ongoing eligibility for the visa.
  • Seek Assistance if Needed: Consider consulting with an immigration lawyer or a visa specialist if you encounter any complexities or need clarification on the renewal process.

Renewing the Greece digital nomad visa involves demonstrating that you continue to meet the eligibility criteria and have maintained your remote work or business activities. By preparing thoroughly and staying compliant with all requirements, you can successfully extend your stay in Greece and continue to enjoy the benefits of living in this beautiful and culturally rich country.

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